Mississippi Nesties
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Re: Three bored nesties
WAR!!! I made my appointment for 12:30 on the 10th. (We set the wedding time for 3:30). I spoke with Cindy, who said Sarah would schedule my appt for makeup and then call and let me know the details. She didn't ask me about makeup times or anything, so would you make sure everyone knows the time frame? I'm nervous that the make-up lady won't have time before we have to jet to the court...
I know y'all do this all the time... 
Yay yay yay!!! Things are finally falling in to place!!
I'm so super excited for y'all! You're going to be beautiful on the day you "legally" (since the official is long ago) start your lives together. Yay!!!!
just got off the phone with Sarah and everything is set!
She asked me about lashes...I've never done fake lashes before...I think I just might this time! How exciting!!
Youre welcome.
That poor baby looks terrified! LOL
I know! I've been pretty busy at work. Which reminds me I need to submit my OT from last week...
Meanwhile Ive been a couch potato since my H left town.
Anything fun this past weekend?
I worked on getting some more stuff posted to craigslist. Operation: Purge. Hopefully I'll get some of that stuff sold soon. Looks like I might have a buyer for the purse on the houston page. that will be nice!
I PM'd her a little bit ago, but she hasn't read it yet. I'm hoping it works though!!
I am, once again, irritated with people on craigslist. I got an email yesterday for a bedroom set that I'm selling, and the guys asked for the final price, the reason I'm selling (in hindsight that was a little odd I guess, but who knows) and what the present condition of the furniture is. So I emailed him back with the answers. THEN I get the email telling me he'll send me a cashiers check, and send his freight agents. And that he's unable to come get it because of a physical disability, blah, blah, blah.
I had another one yesterday that was similar...they sent an email with questions then I got another email later saying that they would send a cashiers check and that I couldn't talk to her on the phone becasue she's deaf but I could leave her a voicemail.
Neither of these were in real english..very choppy, random words, etc. Who has that much time on their hands?? And who really falls for this stuff? If you go to the spam section on CL, it has these emails almost verbatim. If you want to try to scam me, at least be creative.
/rant (for now)
At the end when you put your contact email add subject: "anything you want it to be", and if they dont address the email with that subject line then you know its spam. Alot of the spam on CL is computer generated.
That's a good idea. I'll have to do that when I repost things later this week. I just want this stuff gone!!
I would have had no idea that this was a scam.
I think if you read the emails, you would be able to tell something was off. At least enough to ask C or someone what they thought. They just sound off.
Yay! She's so much fun. A little out there sometimes, but great!! Tell her I said hi!
First, they're fabulous! Second, you should be fine. I bought the purple ones last year, and my normal 9 1/2 was really tight on me, so I returned them. So I think you should be good. Love it!!
Sounds yummy!!!
I'm still hungry! I cut the meal in half (because I made the mistake of eating a full order of pad thai one time. I was in PAIN). But now I'm still hungry. Hmpf.