Mississippi Nesties
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Re: Three bored nesties
There's this woman who emailed our salon owner when the salon opened, wanting to sit down with her and ask questions about opening a salon. She wants to open a blow dry only salon, locally. She of course blew off the email.
A few months later the lady called. Owner told her she was not interested in franchising, and hung up.
Then this lady made an appt just last week and was with a stylist whom is very...absent minded. So she asked tons of questions like: how much we are paid, how we are paid, how often, how much the space rent is, how we like the product line, what distributor we use, how many clients do we see each day, how many stylists we have, where we advertise, how we advertise, how we find new stylists. Totally inappropriate questions.
Um, I would in NO way ever tell anyone the answers to these questions. No matter the reasoning behind them.
Now to today, the lady (opening the salon) calls to schedule a meeting with our owner, regarding opening a concept salon.
Oh lord. Who seriously does this?!
That lady has some stones!! And the stylist, well, seems to be lacking brains a little...
I'm not saying that she shouldn't lose her job. On this one, I agree. If she broke the confidentiality agreement, there's a BIG issue.
It's the perfect day to stay at home in bed.
I would have been a happy camper to stay home today!! At least I have leftover Pei Wei here at work. That will hopefully help my day.
Done. At least I think I did it right. you'll know it's my email when you see it.
Funny...I'm not a big fan of them...
Soooo...I booked one of those PODS today for the move!! I can cancel or change the dates of the reservation without penalty. But I have it set to go if I want it!!
ETA - not everyone IRL knows about this, so please don't say anything on FB. I'm sure y'all wouldn't have anyway, but just wanted to be sure I said something
Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. Is your DH still OOT?
What's going on? Stress? PMS? Missing DH? {{{{hugs}}}}
Got 'em! You'll get an email in about a week.
Thank ya ladies!
I've told my mom, dad, and step mom. The ones I'm really dreading telling, though, are my brother and grandfather. Neither of them think I should be "chasing" G, and neither of them believe in living together before marriage. I don't think my mom is super keen on us living together, but she knows that it's pointless to try to talk me out of it, and it will just drive me away from her, so she's accepted it. She's trying to help me come up with a way to tell bro and gp. So if you think of any good arguments to use, send 'em my way!
Oh my! That sounds terrible! I had skipped 2 months on purpose with my bc pills recently and when I finally let it come I was miserable. I spent the whole weekend on the sofa with a heating pad. Get the advil ready!!!
Besides the fact that you are a grown woman and have been married & divorced already? You are an adult and you are well beyond the age of making your own decisions.